Funchal Chamber intensifies the fight against the ‘Aedes aegypti’ mosquito among traders

When the numbers point to a significant increase in the activity of the ‘Aedes aegypti’ mosquito in the city of Funchal, the City Council reinforced awareness-raising actions with a view to combating this, which is the vector for the transmission of dengue, yellow fever, zika or of chikungunia. 

In a note sent to the media, the municipality states that “awareness and information actions are an important tool to encourage a change in attitudes, with a view to more sustainable behavior”. Although they recognize the fact that “awareness alone does not lead to permanent changes”, those responsible for the program believe that this “is a very important step towards raising awareness among residents regarding the problem of the ‘Aedes aegypti’ mosquito”. 

The door-to-door awareness programme, which this year has also been extended to the trade and services sector, falls within this scope of action. During these contacts, an informative leaflet is distributed, accompanied by a flyer with additional information, aimed at this specific sector. The launch of this initiative took place today, 27 June, at Funchal City Hall, in the presence of Councillor Nádia Coelho and the team from the Funchal Natural History Museum.

“This action is part of a wide range of information and awareness-raising initiatives that the local authority has carried out and which aims to cover all establishments in the various parishes of Funchal, located in the city centre”, they say in the statement, an initiative that is part of, as they note, the Municipal Strategy to combat the ‘Aedes aegypti’ mosquito, whose presence has been confirmed in Funchal since 2005. 

From Diário Notícias