Happy Aninals at Friends of 4 Patinhas

Last Saturday I had the time to deliver pet food to São Vicente.

4 Patinhas us a charity I help on the north of the island, and with a few donations , one very generous from Susan, plus I matched what was given, and managed to get a lot of food  for the stray dogs and cats, and treats also.

A note from Jerry who started this charity with Cristina Gomes, when their paths meet feeding the same dig they called RED  which is now happy and living in Germany.  Its the only charity on the North Coast.

Dearest Tobi.

We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your recent generous donation of much needed cat and dog food.
Your generosity of time, money and resources mean the world to us and we cannot thank you enough for your continued commitment to our mission here at Friends Of Four Patinhas*.
*Four Patinhas is a grass roots, 100% volunteer, registered association, that advocates on behalf of the abandoned, homeless and neglected cats and dogs on the North Coast Of Madeira.  Without any government support and through the generosity of a very small group of volunteers, along with funds raised from the sale of donated goods in their Charity Shop located in the village of Sao Vicente,  they continue to provide hope and care for those that have no words.
With Kindest Regards,
Jerry Harmyk, Vice President, Friends of Four Patinhas S.V.
If anyone wants to donate,  or drop food in themselves,  this is Jerry emails for details.