Seabourn Sojourn includes Port of Funchal on 28-night cruise

The cruise ship Seabourn Sojourn , which docked at the north pier of the Port of Funchal this morning, has 424 passengers and 352 crew on board.

The ship stays in Madeira for 10 hours and leaves at 5pm for Lisbon.

Seabourn Sojourn is on a 28-night cruise, starting on the 15th, in Barcelona, ​​with stops in Malaga, Tangier, Casablanca, Lanzarote, La Gomera, La Palma, Tenerife, now in Funchal, followed by Lisbon, A Coruña, Gijon, Bilbao, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, St. Malo, Plymouth, Isle of Wight, Bruges and Dover, where the trip ends on July 13th.

From Jornal Madeira