Strong wind in the highlands and extremes of the island of Madeira this Tuesday

The weather has really been mixed over the last few weeks, and no significant hot spell is expected for the rest of this month.

Lower than average temperatures,  with a lot of cloud looks set to stay for a while.

This cloud is also affecting the Canary Islands,  lots of cloudy days for weeks now, which is very unusual for these islands.

Forecasts from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) for Madeira, this Tuesday, June 11, point to periods of very cloudy skies and the occurrence of light showers, more likely until the end of the morning and on the northern slopes. and highlands of the island.

The wind will be moderate (10 to 30 km/h) from the Northeast, sometimes strong (up to 40 km/h) in the highlands and in the extreme East and West of the island of Madeira from the morning onwards. In the Funchal area, it will be weak (less than 15 km/h).